Javier torrente meteorologia de univision

Univision shows, entretenimiento, noticias, deportes y. Gabriel torres has left his job as video journalist at kxtx telemundo 39 in dallas to return to san antonio, where he has taken on a new role as weather anchor at kwex univision 41. Sin embargo, suman dos empates, contra monterrey 00 y contra santos 22. Condiciones del clima y temperatura en miami univision.

He resigned from newells after 12 months in charge in 2011. In addition to doing weather, gabriel will also do traffic segments and continue his work as a vj, producing feature. Join facebook to connect with miguel javier mateo and others you may know. Univision also partnered with robotic telescope service slooh to livestream the transcontinental solar eclipse from its start as a partial eclipse in oregon at 9. Aug 19, 2017 univision also partnered with robotic telescope service slooh to livestream the transcontinental solar eclipse from its start as a partial eclipse in oregon at 9. Emmy awardwinning journalist and former president of the national association of hispanic journalists nahj. Torres returns to san antonio as weather anchor for univision.

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